Instructional Goals
Students will be able to:
- Recognize the –ill phonogram and be able to come up with words that rhyme with it.
- Make inferences based on what is happening in the story
- Create their own class story
- I will introduce the –ill phonogram by writing it on the board. The class will then say it out loud with me.
- Next I will reread page 20 out loud and ask the students to listen for the word that rhymes with –ill (will). I will write will on the chalkboard and have a student volunteer come up to the front board and have them underline the –ill part of the word. Then I will invite the other students to help me make a list of other –ill rhyming words.
- After introducing the –ill phonogram I will have the class read the story with me. They have already read it once so to keep them interested I will have the students switch off reading each page. The girls will read one and the boys will read the next.
- Throughout the story I will challenge the students to make inferences. I will ask them why they think Jasper is looking for giants. Pointing to his story book, I will ask them to guess what he’s reading (Jack and the Beanstalk, we won’t read this until after they have their assessment on Jasper’s Beanstalk as they might get confused).
- After we read the story as a class, I will introduce the idea of making our own class story. As a class, we will look throughout the book and recall what Jasper did on different days on the week. I will suggest that the children brainstorm a list of other things that Jasper might plant in his garden. After the students have compiled a list of things for Jasper to plant, I will help them suggest a different task for Jasper to perform on each day of the week to accomplish his goal. To get the children started I will suggest the following structure: On Monday Jasper…
- When we have finished I will take volunteers to read each sentence of our class story.
Content Standards
Language Arts Standard #6: students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions, media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and non print texts.
Instructional Materials
- A copy of the book Jasper’s Beanstalk
- A large piece of paper to write our class list of rhyming –ill words as well as our class story.
- Marker
- A word pointer for a student to come up and find our rhyming word
Teacher will:
- Listen to student responses when coming up with –ill rhyming words
- Observe student discussion while they are making inferences
- Listen to student responses while coming up with their own class story
I will use a visual aid (large piece of paper) to record student responses. This will make it easy for the students with glasses and occupy other students who respond better to visual stimuli. I will keep students focused by alternating reading pages as well as frequently calling on volunteers.
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